Spanish Dictionary
Spanish | English |
Sample sentences: Él consultó a un urólogo porque tiene problemas de erección. |
He consulted a urologist because he has erection problems. |
El urólogo dijo que tenía un adenoma de próstata. | The urologist said that he had a prostate adenoma. |
Fue al urólogo porque tenía problemas de próstata. | He went to the urologist because he had a prostate condition. |

The machine arrived in Cuba at nine and it was already dark. The border control was nothing like the one in Mexico. They were communist and one could see the strictness and uneasiness of them.
We left on time and the route included some nice beach towns along the coast, such as Tulum and Playa del Carmen. Behind me sat two very cute girls who started to talk to me about life in my country.
I spoke to my sister's friend and she told me I could stay at her place whenever I wanted. I then played Galaga on one of the computer machines and advanced to a very high level of the game.
We left on time and the route included some nice beach towns along the coast, such as Tulum and Playa del Carmen. Behind me sat two very cute girls who started to talk to me about life in my country.
I spoke to my sister's friend and she told me I could stay at her place whenever I wanted. I then played Galaga on one of the computer machines and advanced to a very high level of the game.
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