German Dictionary

Translation of wegnehmen

wegnehmen to withdraw    ; to draw off

Translation by Vocabulix


wegnehmen, entfernen to remove; to take away
wegnehmen, entfernen>> take away
wegnehmen; entfernen to remove
wegnehmen; entfernen take off
wegnehmen to take (sth) away
wegnehmen take away; quitar
wegnehmen to take off
wegnehmen take away

Furthermore, a certain personal relationship emerges among the users. An identification of the students with the language school is built. All this helps to study Spanish for the individual student.
In plural there is no difference between the formal and the colloquial address form. Do you mean that you are using 3rd person singular form for the plural imperative? If so, I will change all entries so far.
Now I am learning by other means, such as reading and writing. I can not begin with conjugation training because I lack the basic knowledge. How are you learning at this site and which is your best lesson?
Check out these translations vorhaben    verzehren    verschweigen    verknoten    verbrauchen    unverbindlich    unheimlich    unbesiegbar    umbenennen    tiefgreifend   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of wegnehmen
nehme weg  nimmst weg  nimmt weg  nehmen weg  nehmt weg  nehmen weg  nahm weg  nahmst weg  nahm weg  nahmen weg  nahmt weg  nahmen weg     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of withdraw   [ withdrew, withdrawn ]