Numbers in Italian

Italian numbers are pretty easy to remember, except for a few irregularities.

The base numbers are:
    0 zero
    1 uno
    2 due
    3 tre
    4 quattro
    5 cinque
    6 sei
    7 sette
    8 otto
    9 nove
    10 dieci

The numbers 11-19 have an irregular form:
    11 undici
    12 dodici
    13 tredici
    14 quattordici
    15 quindici
    16 sedici
    17 diciassette
    18 diciotto
    19 diciannove

The two digit numbers with the 0 (zero) ending are irregular too:
    20 venti
    30 trenta
    40 quaranta
    50 cinquanta
    60 sessanta
    70 settanta
    80 ottanta
    90 novanta

To create two digit numbers you just have to do an addition:
    36 trenta+sei → trentasei
    42 quaranta+due → quarantadue
    75 settanta+cinque → settantacinque

Exceptions are the two digit numbers where the second number is 1 (uno) or 8 (otto). In these cases the last vowel of 20 (venti), 30 (trenta), 40 (quaranta), and so on is always dropped.
    21 venti+uno → ventuno
    88 ottanta+otto → ottantotto
    51 cinquanta+uno → cinquantuno
    68 sessanta+otto → sessantotto

Another graphic exception is the acute accent put on the numbers ending with 3 (tre):
    93 novanta+tre → novantatré
    53 cinquanta+tre → cinquantatré

The three digit numbers are easily created, adding the word cento to the first number except for 100:
    100 cento
    200 due+cento → duecento
    300 tre+cento → trecento
    400 quattro+cento → quattrocento
    500 cinque+cento → cinquecento
    600 sei+cento → seicento
    700 sette+cento → settecento
    800 otto+cento → ottocento
    900 nove+cento → novecento

To create other three digit numbers you just have to do an addition:
    111 cento+undici → centoundici
    317 tre+cento+diciassette → trecentodiciassette
    521 cinque+cento+venti+uno → cinquecentoventuno
    784 sette+cento+ottanta+quattro → settecentoottantaquattro

The numbers in thousands are easily created, adding the word mila to the first number except for 1,000:
    1000 mille
    2000 due+mila → duemila
    3000 tre+mila → tremila
    4000 quattro+mila → quattromila
    5000 cinque+mila → cinquemila
    6000 sei+mila → seimila
    7000 sette+mila → settemila
    8000 otto+mila → ottomila
    9000 nove+mila → novemila
    10.000 dieci+mila → diecimila
    21.000 venti+uno+mila → ventunomila
    200.000 due+cento+mila → duecentomila

To create other numbers you just have to do a simple addition:
    1998 mille+nove+cento+novanta+otto → millenovecentonovantotto
    2020 due+mila+venti → duemilaventi
    7856 sette+mila+otto+cento+cinquanta+sei → settemilaottocentocinquantasei
    327.463 tre+cento+venti+sette+mila+quattro+cento+sessanta+tre → trecentoventisettemilaquattrocentesessantatré

Milione (million) and miliardo (billion) are created with two words, first the root number and then the milione/miliardo word, which can become milioni/miliardi if the root number is bigger than 1:
    Un milione (one million)
    Un miliardo (one billion)
    Tre milioni (three millions)
    Cinque miliardi (five billions)
Numbers in Italian
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