Spanish Grammar
An overview of our tutorials on Spanish Grammar as well as Grammar exercises. For the grammar exercises, press the upper right button in each tutorial.
In order to learn Spanish vocabulary go to our Vocabulary Builder, for Verbs use our Verb drill tool.
Spanish NumbersPor or Para Choose the correct word
Gender in Spanish Learn to use the right gender
Plural in Spanish Build plural forms
Dates and Months in Spanish How to express a date.
Weekdays in Spanish Common usage
Private Spanish Tutor With Skype
Adjectives in Spanish
Comparatives and Superlatives
Past Participle in Spanish
Personal Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Preposition and article contraction in Spanish - De, del, a, al
Gerundio - Present Participle
Personal pronouns after prepositions
To be - Ser and Estar in Spanish
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