Preposition and article contraction in Spanish - De, del, a, al

In Spanish, the prepositions "de" (from or of) and "a" (to) are contracted with the masculine definite article "el".

In a sentence, when we need to use "de" and "el", we contract it to "del". In the case of "a" and an "el", we contract it to "al".
    Marta es la hija de el profesor (Marta is the daughter of the teacher.)

    Marta es la hija del profesor (Marta is the daughter of the teacher.)

Please note: It applies only to the masculine article "el" and not to the feminine "la" nor the plural "los" and "las". So we still say:
    Voy a ir a la piscina por unos días. (I'm going to go to the pool for a few days.)

More examples:

    Me voy al cine (I'm going to the cinema)
    Esa guitarra es del maestro de música (That guitar belongs to the music teacher)
    Rosaura llevó a sus hijos al parque (Rosaura took her children to the park.)

Preposition and article contraction in Spanish - De, del, a, al
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