Frequently asked questions
This guidance video shows you how to start with Vocabulix, click here
This second guidance video shows the different course settings on the dashboard, click here
What is Vocabulix?
Vocabulix is a language learning website that helps you to improve your foreign language skills in a fast and easy way. Vocabulix guides you through the learning process. It includes an online community where you can find language friends too.
Is Vocabulix free of charge?
The basic plan is free. Some vocabulary lessons, the conjugation drills, the find friends section and some other tools are currently free. The full language course is part of the premium plan which is not free.
Do I need a user account?
You can try out some lessons without an account. However if you do create an account then your results can be collected and saved on the system; and you will be able to create your own lessons and communicate with other users.
What languages are supported?
Vocabulix lessons are available in: English, German, Spanish, French and Italian. Or create your own lessons in: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and Czech.
Plans and Membership
What are the plans and membership options offered by Vocabulix?
There is a free basic plan and a premium plan
What features are included in the premium plan?
✓ All lessons
✓ Certificate of Completion
✓ Ad-Free
✓ Find friends (unlimited access)
✓ Grammar
✓ Reading Comprehension
✓ Verb drills
Can I cancel my premium membership?
Yes, anytime. You can always downgrade to the free basic plan. However, once you downgrade a significant number of lessons won't be available to you. Please note that the membership renews automatically.
How can I cancel my premium membership and downgrade to the free basic plan?
Under settings (gear-wheel icon in the upper right login box) go to "Account settings". Then scroll down to the bottom and click "downgrade to free basic account".
What is the difference between the basic plan and the premium plan?
As a premium member you will have access to ALL lessons of the selected language and the system will guide you through a language learning process tailored to your needs, ending with the award of the certificate of completion. In addition, no ads are displayed to premium members during the lessons. The basic plan is free; the premium plan is subject to periodic payment.
Can I hide the ads?
Yes, by upgrading to the premium plan.
How do I become a premium member?
When you try to access a lesson that is only available to premium members, the system will ask you to "upgrade".
Alternatively, you can also do it manually: Start by logging in. Then, under settings (gear-wheel icon), go to "Account settings". Then scroll down to the bottom and click "Become a premium member".
What do the different "upgrade" options mean?
There is only a single premium plan. The different options, such as "1 month" or "3 months" refer to the payment and renewal period selected by you when upgrading. The longer the period the more convenient the membership price per month. For example, if you subscribe to a 3-month membership, each month will be cheaper than if you only subscribe to a 1-month membership. Please note that the membership is renewed automatically at the end of the period selected by you.
How does the payment work for premium members?
Your payment details will only be requested once, when you subscribe to the premium membership, and you will be charged at this moment. Depending on the payment period selected, you will be automatically charged again at the end of each period.
What features are NOT included in the Premium Plan?
Private lessons with a personal teacher, writing exercises with a language expert, personal counseling on learning a language, printing features and custom lessons are not included in the Premium Plan.
How do I start the language course?
Once logged in, click on "progress" or "points" in the login box. You will then arrive to the main screen with an overview of all lessons. Follow the instructions from there (if necessary change the language or course level at the top). The system will guide you through a tailor-made language learning process in 3 levels of difficulty: V1, V2, V3. Each level contains the following elements: multiple choice vocabulary, spelling exercises, grammar and verb lessons. In the highest level you will also find reading comprehension exercises.
When do I get a certificate of completion?
You are eligible for the certificate if you complete at least 90% of all lessons in a certain level and achieve a score higher than 80. If your score is lower than 80 you can try and improve your score by repeating and improving certain lessons.
How does the vocabulary builder work?
The vocabulary builder displays words in your native language which you then need to type into the system in the language you wish to learn. The program will memorize the words that you answered incorrectly and will ask you again at a later stage. If you have an account with Vocabulix, the program can save your results as you practice, this way you can review your performance and follow your study progress. At the end of each lesson, you can review your performance on a score sheet.
How do I start the vocabulary builder?
Click on the 'Vocabulary' menu and follow the instructions.
Can I use my own word lists in the vocabulary builder?
Yes, you can. Create your own lessons using your own list of words (including sample sentences and synonyms). You can use these lessons yourself or share them with friends, classmates or other Internet users. Lessons can be created in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Swedish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Czech or Danish (more languages coming soon). The builder functionalities are identical to those of the Vocabulix vocabulary lesson. Click the 'create lesson' menu in order to create a lesson. Click the 'vocabulary' menu (and then the second option) to practice a lesson you created earlier.
How does the scoring system work?
A correct answer will give you 4 points, a mistake will cost you 2 points.
What are lessons in the vocabulary builder?
All drills are divided into lessons. Lessons are available by level of difficulty or topic. You can also select lessons which you created yourself. Grammar and verb lessons, as well as lessons with visual aids are also available.
What are private lessons?
After you have had some practice and find yourself making rapid progress you may find that there are still some words you have difficulties with. You can then gather these words into a single private lesson. You will need a user account in order to use this feature. Click the 'Create Lesson' menu and then the second option to define your own "private lesson".
Saving results?
If you have a user account, all of your answers and results can be saved. You can then use our reporting features to track the number of mistakes you make with any given word. You can also see all of the results collated by lesson with time stamp. You will find your scores improve over time. Click the "Results" tab in the Vocabulary Builder to view your results.
How do the verb drills work?
During the verb drills the system will display a verb in a specific tense and personal pronoun in your language. You will be asked to translate a verb from your native tongue into the same tense and the same personal pronoun in the language you are studying. (Note: no answers or results are saved in this section). Verbs will appear from your pre-selected list in random order.
How do I start the verb drills?
Click on the 'Verb drills' menu and follow the instructions.