Possessive Adjectives in Spanish

Possessive adjectives indicate that something belongs to someone. It is the equivalent of "my", "your", "his", etc. in English.

In Spanish, they behave like all adjectives and therefore they agree with the gender and number of the noun. They are always placed before the noun.

These are the basic six possessive adjectives (together with a masculine singular noun):
    Mi perro (My dog)
    Tu perro (Your dog)
    Su perro (His/Her dog)
    Nuestro perro (Our dog)
    Vuestro perro (Your dog - plural)
    Su perro (Their dog)

For feminine nouns, "nuestro" becomes "nuestra" and "vuestro" becomes "vuestra":
    Mi casa (My house)
    Tu casa (Your house)
    Su casa (His/Her house)
    Nuestra casa (Our house)
    Vuestra casa (Your house - plural)
    Su casa (Their house)

For plural nouns, both masculine and feminine, we simply add an "s":
    Mis perros (My dogs)
    Tus perros (Your dogs)
    Sus perros (His/Her dogs)
    Nuestros perros (Our dogs)
    Vuestros perros (Your dogs - plural)
    Sus perros (Their dogs)

    Mis casas (My houses)
    Tus casas (Your houses)
    Sus casas (His/Her houses)
    Nuestras casas (Our houses)
    Vuestras casas (Your houses - plural)
    Sus casas (Their houses)

Possessive Adjectives in Spanish
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