Personal Pronouns in Spanish - Pronombres personales (I, you, he...)

Personal Pronouns in Spanish:

he / sheél / ella
you (Spain)
you (Latin America)
theyellos /ellas

Please note:

- The personal pronouns in plural agree with the gender, for example: a group of women would say "nosotras" for "we". However, if there are both genders in the group, the male form "nosotros" is used.

- The formal "You" in singular is "Usted" and uses the 3rd person singular of the verb, for example: "Usted habla mucho" = "You (Sir or Madam) talk a lot"

- The formal "You" in plural is different in European and Latin American Spanish. In Spain it is "Vosotros" (male) or "Vosotras" (female). In Latin America it is usually "Ustedes" (both genders) and uses the 3rd person plural of the verb, for example: "Ustedes hablan mucho" = "You (people) talk a lot".

- Often in Spanish you can drop the personal pronoun as it can be recognized by the verb's conjugation and the context. For example: "You talk a lot" would be "Hablas mucho" and not "Tú hablas mucho" ("Hablas" is the 2nd person of hablar, so it is clear that we mean "you")

Personal Pronouns in Spanish - Pronombres personales (I, you, he...)
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