Days of the Week in Spanish
This lesson helps you to make sentences using the days of the week
To start, here is the List of all days of the week and their translation:el lunes - Monday, el martes - Tuesday, el miércoles - Wednesday, el jueves - Thursday, el viernes - Friday, el sábado - Saturday, el domingo - Sunday
Please note that all days of the week are masculine nouns in Spanish and are therefore preceded by the article "el".
As opposed to English, the days of the week are written in lower case, unless the day itself is part of the name of a holiday.
When the sentence expresses a regularity, for example every Monday or on Mondays, the article is used in plural, i.e. "los", because all days of the week are masculine nouns, as we have said previously.
For instance: On Fridays we always read... is los viernes siempre leemos...
Please note that those days of the week ending in "s" (lunes, martes...) remain unchanged in plural. Only sábado and domingo add an "s".
To express the day of the week in association with the verb "to be", you have to use the Spanish verb "ser" (and not "estar"). Hoy es miércoles (Today is Wednesday)
The following is a short list of further words used in connection with the days of the week:
hoy - today, mañana - tomorrow, ayer - yesterday, pasado mañana - the day after tomorrow, anteayer - the day before yesterday
que viene - next (el martes que viene = next Tuesday)
And to finish, just a last rule:
For some holidays, the days of the week start with a capital letter, for example Good Friday = el Viernes Santo