Prepositions of Place
Here is an extensive explanation about propositions of place. Learn how to distinguish between "in", "a", "di" and "da".
A. Origin and provenance are expressed by "di" or "da".
You use "di" with the verb essere (to be):
- Carla è di Milano (Carla is from Milan)
Mario è di Torino (Mario is from Turin)
You use "da" with the verb venire (to come):
- Carla viene da Milano (Carla comes from Milan)
Mario viene da Torino (Mario comes from Turin)
Note: you can't say "Alberto è di Italia" but you can say "Alberto viene dall'Italia" (Alberto comes from Italy).
B. Being in/at a place can be expressed by "a" and/or "in".
You use "a" in cases like:
- Mio fratello è a casa (My brother is at home)
I bambini sono a scuola (The children are at school)
Siamo a pranzo fuori (We're out to lunch)
You use "a" before city names:
- Nicola è a Londra (Nicola is in London)
Michela resterà a Barcellona per una settimana (Michela is staying in Barcellona for a week)
Festeggeremo il Natale a New York (We'll celebrate Christmas in New York)
You use "in" for a specific location:
- Luigi lavora in banca (Luigi works at the bank)
Papà mi aspetta in ufficio (Dad is waiting for me at the office)
Maria è in palestra (Maria is at the gym)
You use "in" before country names:
- Mia sorella vive in Spagna (My sister lives in Spain)
Resteremo negli Stati Uniti per un mese (We're staying in the US for a month)
Festeggerò il mio compleanno in Australia (I'll celebrate my birthday in Australia)
You use "in" before region names:
- Il mese scorso ero in Liguria (Last month I was in Liguria)
Ho passato le vacanze in Catalogna (I spent the holidays in Catalonia)
Mio fratello sta studiando in Scozia (My brother is studying in Scotland)
You use "in" before street names:
- Vivo in Via Roma (I live in Roma Street)
Ti aspetto in Via Verdi (I'll be waiting for you in Verdi Street)
Dobbiamo incontrarci in Via Europa (We're going to meet in Europa Street)
You use "in" before places ending with "-ia":
- Lavoro in gelateria (I work at the ice cream parlor)
Sono in salumeria, ti serve qualcosa? (I'm at the delicatessen, do you need anything?)
Marco vive in periferia (Marco lives in the suburbs)
C. The movement to a place can be expressed by "a", "in" and/or "per".
For "a" and "in" the same rules of being in/at a place apply:
- Tornerò presto a casa (I'll be home soon)
Carlo andrà a Londra domani (Carlo is going to London tomorrow)
È andato in palestra (He went to the gym)
Andremo in Spagna per Natale (We're going to Spain for Christmas)
Per le vacanze andrà in Puglia (She's going to Apulia for the holidays)
Devo andare in Via Rossini (I have to go to Rossini Street)
Mamma è andata in macelleria (Mom went to the butcher shop)
"Per" is used for means of transportation, to indicate the places a person is heading to:
- Il treno per Bari parte alle 8:00 (The train to Bari is leaving at 8:00)
Prenderemo un volo per Miami (We're taking a flight to Miami)
Andiamo in Sicilia con un traghetto per Messina (We're going to Sicily by a ferry to Messina)
D. The movement towards a person is expressed by "da"
- Devo andare da papà (I have to go to my father's)
Andiamo a pranzo da nonna (We're going to have lunch at grandma's)
Miriam è andata dalla mamma (Miriam went to her mother's)
E. The movement from a place is expressed by "da"
- Il nostro treno è partito da Napoli (Our train left from Naples)
Assicurati di tornare da Los Angeles con l'abbronzatura (Make sure to come back from Los Angeles with a tan)
Alessia tornerà da Berlino la prossima settimana (Alessia is coming back from Berlin next week)
F. Relative positions
The position "on" is expressed with "su":
- La penna è sul tavolo (The pen is on the table)
Si sta riposando sul letto (She's resting on the bed)
Abbiamo passato la serata sul divano (We spent the night on the couch)
The position "between" can be expressed with "tra" and "fra":
- La farmacia è tra la chiesa e la scuola (The pharmacy is between the church and the school)
Quello che c'è fra noi è bellissimo (What's between us is wonderful)
Francesca era seduta fra noi (Francesca was sitting between us)
The position "under" is expressed with "sotto":
- Il gatto si è nascosto sotto il letto (The cat hid under the bed)
Il pallone è finito sotto l'auto (The ball went under the car)
La situazione è sotto controllo (The situation is under control)
Prepositions of Place