Reflexive verbs in Italian

Reflexive verbs are verbs whose action is carried out by the subject and received by the subject (I do something to myself, you do something to yourself, etc.).

The infinitives of these verbs are easily recognizable thanks to their suffix "si". They conjugate with the auxiliary verb "essere" (to be) and use reflexive pronouns:
    Mi (I)
    Ti (you)
    Si (he/she/it)
    Ci (we)
    Vi (you)
    Si (they)


The present simple of the verb "alzarsi" (to get up) is:
    Io mi alzo
    Tu ti alzi
    Egli si alza
    Noi ci alziamo
    Voi vi alzate
    Essi si alzano

The present perfect of the verb "lavarsi" (to wash oneself) is:
    Io mi sono lavato
    Tu ti sei lavato
    Egli si è lavato
    Noi ci siamo lavati
    Voi vi siete lavati
    Essi si sono lavati

In the infinitive, the imperative, and the gerund, the reflexive pronouns are attached to the end of the verb:
    Non voglio prepararmi (I don't want to get ready)
    Lavatevi i denti! (Wash your teeth!)
    Ho iniziato la giornata svegliandomi (I started my day waking up)

Most reflexive verbs have both active and reflexive forms but some only have the reflexive form, like annoiarsi (to get bored), arrabbiarsi (to get angry), innamorarsi (to fall in love), divertirsi, (to have fun), addormentarsi (to fall asleep).
Reflexive verbs in Italian
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