Simple Present


How to Form the Simple Present

1. Basic Rule for I/you/we/you/they

infinitive without "to"

Examples: I like     you like     we like     they like   I go     you go     we go     they go

2. Special Rule for the 3rd Person Singular (he/she/it)

infinitive without "to"+ s

Examples: she likes     he looks     it fits

3. 3rd person rule for Verbs with the endings "o", "sh", "ch"

infinitive without "to"+ es

Examples: he goes     she pushes     he reaches

4. Rule for Verbs with the ending consonant + y

For the 3rd Person Singular the "y" before the ending "-es" is replaced with "i".

Examples:to cry - cries     to fry - fries     to hurry - hurries

Simple Present - Questions and Negative Form

Use the auxiliary "to do" as follows.

For questions: do/does + .... + infinitive (Do you go? Does he go?)
For negative forms: do not/ does not + infinitive (I do not go. He does not go.)

How to Use the Simple Present

1. Events Planned for the Near Future

If something will happen shortly and is already planned or scheduled, you can use the simple present. This includes trains and busses leaving at a certain time, or shows or parties scheduled for the near future.


The children start school at 9.
The party at the tavern tonight starts at seven.
The bus to Munich leaves at 10.20 tomorrow morning.

2. Actions that Repeat Themselves Regularly

When you talk about spare time activities or habits you indulge in regularly, or about daily events, you can also use the simple present.


Every morning I take my dog Barnie for a walk.
My daughter meets her friend every Tuesday.
I eat cereal for breakfast, while my husband prefers cinnamon buns.

3. Facts, General Statements, Subjective Truths

When you talk about facts or make a general statement, or when you firmly believe that what you say is true, you also use the simple present.


Kannon is the God of mercy who helps the stubborn.
The animals fight until a hierarchy is established.
Ripe bananas are yellow.

4. Non-Continuous Verbs, Mixed Verbs: Things that Are Happening Right Now

Some verbs use the simple present to talk about things that are happening right now. Usually, these verbs express actions that are not visible.


Mary is at school.
Joanna feels tired.
Bred owns a red house.
The coconut cookies cost ten cent.
Anna needs a car.

Often, these verbs describe abstract or emotional states.


want     need     love     hate     belong to     own


Hopefully you have a better understanding of the simple present through reading this article, and can now say things about yourself as:

I read grammar articles every week.
I study English grammar every day.
I know all there is to know about English grammar.