The Will Future


How to Form the "Will" Future

The "will" future is formed as follows: will + infinitive without "to"

Examples: My daughter will be a famous actress. I will marry her in Rome.

"Will" Future - Abbreviations, Negative Form, Questions

The auxiliary "will" and its negative form "will not" are often abbreviated in spoken English.


He will probably be back soon. -> He'll probably be back soon.
You will be 50 next year. -> You'll be 50 next year.
Hopefully, he will not forget the money again. -> Hopefully, he won't forget the money again.
I'm afraid it will not be sunny tomorrow. -> I'm afraid it won't be sunny tomorrow.

In questions, "Will" stands at the beginning of the sentence.

Examples:     Will it be humid tomorrow?     Will it not be humid tomorrow?     Won't it be humid tomorrow?

How to Use the "Will" Future

1. Spontaneous, unplanned actions

The "will" future can be used when talking spontaneously about a future action.


I'll come over right away and help you!
I think I will give my teacher a call and ask her.
I think I'll read another grammar article now.

2. Predictions, Guesses, Hopes (I assume, I hope, it probably etc.)

If you are afraid, hope, think or assume that something will happen, you can also use the "will" future.


I'm afraid he will never get over the affair.
She will probably win the competition.
I assume / think / hope he will make it through the final exam.

3. Future events beyond our control

The "will" future is also used when talking about future situations like the weather, expiration dates, scheduled events, etc. that are beyond our control.


It will be Mary's birthday next Tuesday.
School will start next Monday.
It will be especially cold this winter.
Elections will be held next month.