Learn Languages online with Vocabulix
How it works


Course Tools
Vocabulary Builder
Improve your vocabulary skills in foreign languages.
(we also support: French and Italian) Start >
Improve your vocabulary skills in foreign languages.
Learn Spanish
vocabulary,learn German
vocabulary orlearn English (ESL)
with over 150 vocabulary lessons(we also support: French and Italian) Start >
Verb drills
Learn Spanish verb conjugations, learn German conjugations or learn English conjugations with this efficient tool. Start >
Learn Spanish verb conjugations, learn German conjugations or learn English conjugations with this efficient tool. Start >
Create Lessons
Create lessons using your own words and share those with other users. Create lessons based on previously practiced words. Start >
Create lessons using your own words and share those with other users. Create lessons based on previously practiced words. Start >
About us

Language Tools
Fun Learning with the Travel Blogger Project
Improve your vocabulary skills by looking at beautiful images from around the globe, taken by selected travel bloggers. Free. Start >