English-Spanish Lesson '064'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
the matter pronunciation el asunto pronunciation
appropriate pronounce vocabulary adecuado pronounce vocabulary
to continue audio seguir audio
to score online sound marcar online sound
touristy speak turístico speak
the nurse free la enfermera free
the corridor pronunciation el pasillo pronunciation
to repair pronounce vocabulary arreglar pronounce vocabulary
the monkey audio el mono audio
the t-shirt online sound la camiseta online sound
to quarrel speak pelearse speak
the cushion free el cojín free
the devotion  la piedad 
to achieve  conseguir 
the unemployed  el parado 
the invoice  la factura 
to pronounce  pronunciar 
to convince  convencer 
famous  famoso 
the darkness  la oscuridad 
the horse  el caballo 
favorite  favorito 
the ground  el terreno 
the donkey  el burro 
extraordinary  extraordinario