English-Spanish Lesson '068'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
the elephant pronunciation el elefante pronunciation
from...to pronounce vocabulary de...a pronounce vocabulary
to shoot audio disparar audio
the pilot online sound el piloto online sound
to demand speak exigir speak
to dare free atreverse free
the syringe pronunciation la jeringuilla pronunciation
the handcraft pronounce vocabulary la artesanía pronounce vocabulary
to suggest audio proponer audio
the heating online sound la calefacción online sound
to be advisable speak convenir speak
to recover free recuperarse free
the homework  los deberes 
to impress  impresionar 
the cliff  el risco 
the summit  la cumbre 
legal  legal 
the cover  la tapa 
the easiness  la facilidad 
the influence  la influencia 
ecological  ecológico 
the vapor  el vapor 
to guess correctly  acertar 
to tidy up  ordenar 
the earthquake  el terremoto