English-Spanish Lesson '073'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
to keep pronunciation guardar pronunciation
to tie pronounce vocabulary atar pronounce vocabulary
the underpants audio los calzoncillos audio
England online sound Inglaterra online sound
to appoint speak nombrar speak
the gear free la marcha free
self pronunciation propio pronunciation
in favor of pronounce vocabulary a favor de pronounce vocabulary
to pollute audio contaminar audio
to near online sound acercar online sound
formal speak formal speak
sixty free sesenta free
the video  el vídeo 
to load  cargar 
the devil  el diablo 
the poem  el poema 
to consume  consumir 
eight hundred  ochocientos 
monthly  mensual 
to indicate  indicar 
abroad  en el extranjero 
to ascertain  averiguar 
to dominate  dominar 
to be active  dedicarse 
best regards  atentamente