English-Spanish Lesson 'Food 1'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
the wine el vino
the beer la cerveza
the water
Sample Sentence: to drink water
el agua
Sample Sentence: Beber agua
to eat comer
to drink beber
the salt la sal
the pepper la pimienta
the sugar el azúcar
the rice el arroz
the pasta la pasta
the meat la carne
the food la comida
the fish el pescado
the fruit el fruto
the vegetables la verdura
the tomato el tomate
the soup la sopa
the salad la ensalada
the apple la manzana
the orange la naranja
the potato la patata
the banana el plátano
the chicken el pollo
the onion la cebolla
the sausage la salchicha