English-Spanish Lesson 'School 1'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
the school la escuela
the student el estudiante
the blackboard la pizarra
the teacher el maestro
the room el cuarto
the class
Sample Sentence: to travel first class
la clase
Sample Sentence: viajar en primera clase
the break la pausa
the homework los deberes
the language el idioma
to draw dibujar
to move mover
useful útil
the friend el amigo
the sport el deporte
the lesson la lección
the teaching la enseñanza
the course
Sample Sentence: the language course
el curso
Sample Sentence: curso de idiomas
to learn aprender
by heart de memoria
the professor el profesor
the bell la campana
the grade of school el grado
the mark la nota
the mathematics las matemáticas
the parents los padres