English-Spanish Lesson 'Visual 3'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
the cigarette el cigarrillo
the glass la copa
the cup la taza
the shirt la camisa
the table la mesa
the star la estrella
the chair la silla
the ashtray el cenicero
the smoke el humo
the fire el fuego
the tongue
Sample Sentence: While chewing a gum I accidentally bit my tongue. Now it hurts.
la lengua
Sample Sentence: Mientras comía goma accidentalmente me mordí la lengua. Ahora me duele.
the tooth el diente
the nose la nariz
the mouth la boca
the wood la madera
the tree el árbol
the flower la flor
the forest el bosque
the mountain la montaña
the swimming pool la piscina
the village el pueblo
the salt la sal
the pepper la pimienta
the wheel la rueda
the hospital el hospital