English-Spanish Lesson '006'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
to laugh about pronunciation reírse de pronunciation
the money pronounce vocabulary el dinero pronounce vocabulary
million audio un millón audio
to prepare oneself online sound prepararse online sound
ten speak diez speak
the street free la calle free
to eat pronunciation comer pronunciation
the coast pronounce vocabulary la costa pronounce vocabulary
the oil audio el aceite audio
the color online sound el color online sound
to take speak
Sample Sentence: I take the bus.
tomar speak
Sample Sentence: Tomo el autobús.
green free verde free
the business 
Sample Sentence: The business goes well. We earn a lot of money.
el negocio 
Sample Sentence: Los negocios marchan bien. Estamos ganando mucho dinero.
with  con 
the father  el padre 
the lunch  el almuerzo 
Sample Sentence: my whole life
Sample Sentence: toda mi vida
another  otro 
to prepare  preparar 
to have dinner  cenar 
to stay  quedarse 
friendly  amable 
Sample Sentence: I dialed the wrong telephone number.
Sample Sentence: Marqué un número de teléfono equivocado.
please  por favor 
Sample Sentence: The book is on the table.
Sample Sentence: El libro está sobre la mesa.