English-Spanish Lesson '017'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
the shoe pronunciation el zapato pronunciation
to sell pronounce vocabulary vender pronounce vocabulary
to stop audio
Sample Sentence: The watch stopped at 3 o'clock.
pararse audio
Sample Sentence: El reloj se paró a las tres en punto.
the village online sound el pueblo online sound
the danger speak el peligro speak
the hope free la esperanza free
to prefer pronunciation preferir pronunciation
no problem pronounce vocabulary de nada pronounce vocabulary
to begin audio
Sample Sentence: After cooking I will begin to eat.
empezar audio
Sample Sentence: Después de cocinar empezaré a comer.
right online sound
Sample Sentence: The answer is right.
correcto online sound
Sample Sentence: La respuesta es correcta.
better speak
Sample Sentence: The first dress was better, buy the first!
mejor speak
Sample Sentence: El primer vestido estaba mejor, compralo!
to hope free
Sample Sentence: I hope that you are well.
esperar free
Sample Sentence: Yo espero que tú estés bien.
German  alemán 
the vinegar  el vinagre 
hi  hola 
Sample Sentence: The president resigned because of political and not because of personal reasons.
Sample Sentence: El presidente renunció debido a razones políticas y no por razones personales.
the answer  la respuesta 
to defend  defender 
the object  el objeto 
new  nuevo 
Tuesday  el martes 
interesting  interesante 
the problem  el problema 
the light  la luz 
the salt  la sal