English-Spanish Lesson '007'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
the food pronunciation la comida pronunciation
the school pronounce vocabulary la escuela pronounce vocabulary
to write audio escribir audio
one online sound uno online sound
from speak de speak
the laughter free
Sample Sentence: The laughter could be heard everywhere.
la risa free
Sample Sentence: La risa se escucha en todas partes.
eight pronunciation ocho pronunciation
only pronounce vocabulary
Sample Sentence: Only you know the truth.
solamente pronounce vocabulary
Sample Sentence: Solamente tú conoces la verdad.
the student audio el estudiante audio
the river online sound el río online sound
or speak speak
to arrive free
Sample Sentence: The bus arrives at the station.
llegar free
Sample Sentence: El autobús llegó a la estación.
more or less  más o menos 
Sample Sentence: I am ready to do this.
Sample Sentence: Estoy listo para hacer esto.
the bathroom  el baño 
to learn  aprender 
to protect oneself 
Sample Sentence: You should protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen.
Sample Sentence: Necesitas protegerte del sol con pantalla solar.
the name  el nombre 
necessary  necesario 
to give  dar 
Sample Sentence: Nobody knows anything of it.
Sample Sentence: Nadie sabe nada sobre esto.
to enter  entrar 
to promise  prometer 
fourth  cuarto 
young  joven