English-Spanish Lesson '019'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
the present pronunciation el presente pronunciation
to make pronounce vocabulary hacer pronounce vocabulary
western audio occidental audio
the chicken online sound el pollo online sound
the check speak
Sample Sentence: To ask the waiter for the check.
la cuenta speak
Sample Sentence: Pedir la cuenta al mozo.
the taxi free el taxi free
the mouth pronunciation la boca pronunciation
to rent pronounce vocabulary alquilar pronounce vocabulary
the moment audio el momento audio
to count online sound
Sample Sentence: I count to three.
contar online sound
Sample Sentence: Yo cuento hasta tres.
the arm speak el brazo speak
the luck free la suerte free
the head  la cabeza 
the sausage  la salchicha 
active  activo 
the hair  el pelo 
to apologize  disculparse 
the finger  el dedo 
the TV set  el televisor 
proud  orgulloso 
the course 
Sample Sentence: the language course
el curso 
Sample Sentence: curso de idiomas
to watch  mirar 
Sample Sentence: He is loved by his friends.
Sample Sentence: El es muy querido por sus amigos.
easy  fácil 
together  junto