English-Spanish Lesson '027'


All words and their translation. Start the lesson and try to translate the words yourself.

=online pronunciation, pronounce vocabulary.

English Spanish
to remember pronunciation acordarse de pronunciation
the bus pronounce vocabulary el autobús pronounce vocabulary
the fruit audio la fruta audio
the ear online sound la oreja online sound
the music speak la música speak
to be worthwhile free valer la pena free
to be quiet pronunciation callarse pronunciation
to be used to pronounce vocabulary acostumbrado pronounce vocabulary
the quiet audio la calma audio
the cat online sound el gato online sound
the onion speak la cebolla speak
to ask for free pedir free
the cheese  el queso 
the fog  la niebla 
the lake  el lago 
expensive  caro 
the niece  la sobrina 
the fire  el fuego 
the game  el juego 
to annoy  molestar 
the nephew  el sobrino 
the pen  el bolígrafo 
the wish  el deseo 
to take care of  cuidar 
to lift  levantar